

The historical references provide greater details into the social, economic and religious influence by Mother Kofi, UNIA and other leaders.  Each reference describes an event or action which may or may not be in the video.  However, each referenced material is directly influenced by Mother Kofi’s Sacred Teachings.

http://etd.fcla.edu/UF/UFE0021545/duncan_k.pdf  By: Natanya Duncan. 2009. The ‘Efficient Womanhood of the Universal Negro Improvement Association 1919 – 1930. Chapter Five, pages 161 – 193.

https://coralgablesmuseum.org/portfolio-item/murder-at-the-pulpit-an-african-princess-a-jamican-black-activist-and-the-assasination-that-rocked-miami-2/ Murder in the Pulpit

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE4RFOzjWcI Ga Tribes of Ghana are Hebrew Israelites

https://youtu.be/xjcjhv0xxbM Garvey Movement and Assassination of Laura Kofey

http://www.ghanadot.com/Review.mensah.gahebrew.032111.html Ga Hebrew Israelites in Ghana

There is sufficient evidence which confirms the authenticity of Mother Kofi.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTJUj-QMOOk&t=1347s NBKRA Born: Warrior Queen EP 1 – Laura Kofi

(Publication) Set The World On Fire by Keisha N. Blain, 2018, Laura Adorker Kofey’s Influence, pages 38 – 41.

(Publication) Black Power and Black Religion (Essays and Reviews) Richard Newman, 1987,” Warrior Mother of Africa’s Warriors of the Most High God”:  Laura Adorkor Kofey and the African Universal Church, pages 131 – 145. (On Amazon)

http://digitalcollections.fiu.edu/tequesta/files/2000/00_1_03.pdf By: Kip Vought, 2000.  Racial Stirrings in Colored Town:  The UNIA in Miami During 1920s, page 13 – 21, 68 – 71.

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